Dedicated to my wife Barbara who has been a tremendous help for over fifty years.
Anyone who has done his homework knows that people in general hold a lot of different views when it comes to God, Christ, sin, salvation and eternity.
Even though there’s almost no scientific evidence to support their claims, Darwinists believe that we were created by some kind of naturalistic process—by matter and motion bumping together. They believe God is only a figment of our imagination and that death will be the termination of our existence.
Hindus believe that after death we will be reincarnated into some other person or creature (anything from a slug to a princess) depending on how well we lived. They believe this cycle of birth, death and rebirth will repeat itself over and over until some sort of mystical union with Brahman is achieved, which is defined as a state of “dreamless sleep.”
God Reveals Himself in Various Ways
We Christians believe that we were created by God—who reveals himself to us in the Old and New Testament scriptures— and that after death we’ll either go to a place called Heaven or to a place called Hell, depending on what our relationship with Jesus Christ has been.
Even though each of us feel that we have solid reasons for believing as we do, one thing is certain—we cannot all be right. Somebody has to be wrong. According to the law of noncontradiction, if death is the termination of our existence (as Darwinists claim) then we’re certainly not going to be reincarnated in some other form when death takes us away; nor are we going to go to a place called Heaven or to a place called Hell. There’s simply no way a person can cease to exist and continue to exist at the same time. If one is true the other is false. With so many opposing views floating around, how can we tell what is right or wrong —what is true and what is false?
To start with, the first thing we need to understand is that just because we believe something is true doesn’t make it so. Nor does our refusal to believe that something is true make it false. Truth stands on its own. A thing is true because it is true or false because it is false. What a person believes or doesn’t believe has nothing to do with it.
Distinguishing truth from error, as we all know, can be a frustrating task. It’s critical, therefore, that we get it right. If we fail we could wake up in eternity, only to discover that we leaned our ladder against the wrong wall and put our trust in a false or imaginary savior. Nothing could be worse than to discover, after death, that the savior you trusted is false and cannot deliver. This applies to everyone—Darwinists, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Mohammedans, and New Agers alike.
Sometimes I wish I were infallible. Then, I’d know instinctively whether or not a thing is true. Sadly, it doesn’t work that way. The only way to discover truth is by diligently searching for it—or carefully ferreting it out.
God has endowed us with minds that are capable of comprehending what we need to know about him and the salvation he has provided. He expects us to weigh, consider and compare the information that is available and to base our faith on the strongest kind of evidence. Faith isn’t believing something that doesn’t make sense. Faith is believing something for which we have very strong evidence.
It’s foolish for a person to place faith in something for which he doesn’t have clear and convincing evidence. This is especially true when it comes to matters concerning God, Christ, life, death, sin, salvation and eternity. I wish science could help us out here, but it cannot. Some things are beyond science’s ability to investigate. Science cannot squeeze God into a test tube to weigh, measure or examine him. It can’t even prove or disprove his existence.
Just because some things are beyond science’s ability to investigate doesn’t mean truth is relative or that absolute truth does not exist. Absolute truth most certainly does exist.
The earth is round; that is an absolute truth. A supernatural intelligence created the world in which we live, or the world created itself. One of those two things is an absolute truth. Life continues beyond the grave, or it doesn’t. One of those two things is an absolute truth. If you’re a woman, you’re either pregnant or you aren’t. One of those two things is an absolute truth. Two plus two equals four—not five, not six, not any other sum. I see with my eyes, think with my mind and hear with my ears. To say that all truth is relative, or that absolute truth doesn’t exist, is absurd!
Some things are true because they are true. Other things are false because they are false. What one chooses to believe or disbelieve has nothing to do with it. This is not only true in the physical realm; it is also true in the spiritual. Either life continues beyond the grave, or it doesn’t. Either God created us, or he didn’t. Either we are accountable to him, or we’re not. We may have difficulty knowing what the truth is regarding these matters, but absolute truth does exist. And God expects us to find it.
The first thing that needs to be settled when it comes to spiritual matters is God’s existence. Does God exist, or is he only a figment of our imagination? What’s the truth regarding this?
I’ll let those who say God is merely a figment of our imagination present the evidence they have for this themselves. Apart from certain philosophical assumptions, I honestly don’t think they have any evidence; but that’s their problem. What I want to do is present the evidence that we as Christians have to support our belief in God’s existence….